Form 7004 allows you to have an automatic extension of five months for partnership returns. If you owe to file certain business tax, information and other returns and you are looking for an extension, then you should file Form 7004.This also counts for multiple member LLC filing as a partnership.
Businesses that are enumerated under Form 7004 extension (5 months):
- Forms 1065
- Forms 8804
- Forms 1041(Trust)
- Forms 1041(Estate)
How to file Form 7004 for partnership return extension (5Months)?
E-filing extension Form 7004 is short and simple. In general, you should provide details such as your name, address and tax identification number of your trust, estate or business. Form 7004 has three parts, out of which, you have to choose part (1) or part (2), depending upon the type of tax extension that is being requested. Part (3) is mandatory and all must complete it. Always be aware of certain things to know before filing an extension.
Fine-points to provide in Part (1):
You are required to e-file part (1), since you are applying for a five month extension period. Enter the business type (or) right form code in given boxes on (Line a). This indicates your tax return type for which you are applying an extension.
Fine-points to provide in part (3):
This is a mandatory part that has to be filled out filing extension Form 7004 for all type of extension filing.
Enter the calendar year or tax year beginning and ending according to the requirement. If you owe for filing tax returns for short tax year then mark the appropriate reason. Fill out the total tax amount (approx), total payments, credits and balance dues and it is done.
Why to worry still when is here to support you with super simple application? Dear calendar year tax payers, file an extension for Form 1041 before the due date April 17th, 2013 to avoid bills and interest., a trusted e-file partner, always shows you the right way!