Hello, income taxpayers! It’s time to report your individual income tax returns for 2023 to the IRS. The IRS provides a six-month automatic extension if you need more time to prepare your tax reports. You can avail of this extension period by applying through the personal income tax extension Form 4868 on or before the deadline. The last date to report your income taxes or apply for Form 4868 is April 15, 2024. It would be best if you remembered that this extension period is not applicable for tax payments. So, ensure you pay the tax dues through your original form within the deadline and apply for Form 4868 to secure the extension time. Otherwise, you will be subjected to IRS actions like interests, penalties, and more. Please don’t wait till the last date to apply for an extension; E-file Form 4868 on ExtensionTax.com and get instant approval from the IRS.