Category Archives: IRS

IRS E-file

It’s April 18th – Tax Day! E-file for an Extension Today!




It’s tax time. I know this because I’m staring at documents that make no sense to me, no matter how many beers I drink.” – Dave Barry. The day Dave was quoting is today. YES! You read that right, Today April 18th, is your deadline to file and pay your Personal Income taxes. Not everyone is prepared to file their Personal Income Taxes, due to lack of paper work or lack of time. Continue reading

One Last Week Left to E-file your Extension Form 4868!

more timeTime just flies away! It just feels like yesterday when we all gave a warm welcome to 2017, but it’s already 100 days old. Today is the 101st day of the year 2017. 2017 is not only 100 days old but your Personal Income taxes are due in a week’s time. This is also the 15th week of the Year 2017 and today is the 15th Tuesday of 2017. Exactly in a week’s time that is the 16th Tuesday of 2017 you have to file & pay your Personal Income Tax. If not you are not really going to enjoy the rest of the year.

Thanks to the upcoming weekend that pushes the Tax Day to April 18th, for all those Law Abiding Tax payers out there, breaking your heads because of unavailability of adequate paper work to file your personal Income tax. IRS has a gift waiting, which you can claim by E-filing Form 4868. As soon as you file your Form 4868 you will be gifted with 6 more months of time to file your Personal Income Tax. Continue reading

E-file Form 4868 to legally Postpone Your Tax Due Date by 6 six months!




If we are paying attention to our lives, we’ll recognize those defining moments. The challenge for so many of us is that we are so deep into daily distractions and ‘being busy,busy’ that we miss out on those moments and opportunities that – if jumped on – would get our careers and personal lives to a whole new level of wow. In today’s modern lifestyle almost every individual cribs stating that 24 hours a day is not enough to take care of their daily chores.

Month of April 2017 is already 7 days old and your Personal Income Tax is due in another 10 days. You read that right this year the tax due date is April 18th not April 15th, thanks to the weekend and the following federal holiday. Well, though the due date is postponed by three days is that really enough for you to gather all the required paper works and file your Personal Income Tax on time without any mistakes. We can hear that loud “NO” so can the IRS. Continue reading

Buy More Time to File your Personal Income Taxes by Efiling Form 4868!

Tax-ExtensionTime and tide waits for no one but you can make your Personal Income Tax filing Deadline wait for 6 months by simply E-filing Form 8468 through .IRS form 4868 is officially termed as the “Application for Automatic Extension of Time to file U.S Income Tax Return”.  This is a tax extension form designed for individuals filing for income tax to the IRS. Any individual has the benefit of getting a tax extension for the tax form listed below:


  • Form 1040
  • Form 1040A
  • Form 1040EZ
  • Form 1040NR
  • Form 1040NR-EZ

Form 4868: Continue reading

Apply For Extension Of Time To File Business Income Tax Through Form 7004

Every corporate business, partnerships, and certain trusts are mandate to file and pay tax through the applicable form. However, due to the time constraint and the workload, IRS has considered this and provided taxpayers with extra time to file your tax return if they file an extension.

What Is Form 7004?

This is an application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Business Income Tax, Information, and other returns, allowing you to gain extra time to report IRS with the required documents if you don’t have them handy. The due date to file form 7004 falls on 15th of March and it is liable to file the extension by the due date if you wish to gain extra time to report IRS with your business income tax.

However, this year 2015, March 15th is falling on a weekend, and thus, 16th of march would be the due date to file and report form 7004. Do note, extension would be granted only if proper estimation is made and file by the actual return date for, which this extension applies.

The form is divided into 3 different parts. Part I is for filers who are filing for 5 months extension and part II is for 6 months extension filers. However, part-III is mandatory for filers to file and submit, which contains details about your organization, amount due and balance to be paid to IRS. This form should be mailed to IRS on or before the due date. If you’re efiling, the whole procedure is simplified and converted into one application. Key in your information, the application would take care of the rest.

Depending upon the form, you can gain 5 months and 6 months of extension. You are mandate to file your tax return by the end of the extended time i.e. 15th of October. Continue reading