Tax time and the income tax filing is due by April 15, 2020 for the tax year 2019. If taxpayers need more time to prepare their federal income tax return, there’s an option to extend the filing period by reporting Federal Extension Tax Form 4868 and your new deadline would be October 15. Taxpayers should remember a few important things.
- An extension of time to file a return is not an extension of time to pay.
- Taxpayers should pay any taxes they owe by the April 15 deadline to avoid possible penalties and interest.
- The extension request must be filed electronically or postmarked no later than April 15, 2020.
Simply efile IRS Form 4868 at to push your due date from April 15 to October 15 — but remember that getting an extension doesn’t give you more time to actually pay your taxes.

Requesting an extension and making an estimated payment in April are just half the work. You still have to file your final return. If you don’t file by the extension deadline, the penalties could get worse. Talk to us and get the help needed from our support agents at 866 – 245 – 3918 or write to us at